Saturday, August 9, 2014
This is how we work. And you? ✔ Teleworking in @Nozbe - why we all work from home, from anywhere, without any office...
✔ Teleworking in Nozbe - why...
I always wanted to work like this. That's why I do work like this and it's so much fun for me. It's a lifestyle choice.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Great #productivity tip by @MichaelHyatt: How to Unplug While You Are on Vacation
How to Unplug While You Are on...
Clever way of using email filters to make sure you're not going back to an email full of messages after Holidays.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
What's your answer as a team builder: Do You Feel Pressure or Do You Apply Pressure?
Do You Feel Pressure or Do You...
Strikes home for me as I'm rebuilding my Nozbe team to get ready for our new 2.0 time... Lots of pressures but seems I should be applying more of it myself...
Monday, August 4, 2014
My #video answer to an iPad/iPhone setup: ✔ Why I'm working only on my iPad? Quick, pecha-kucha, 6min explanation by yours truly - Productive! Show #76
✔ Why I'm working only on my...
Just wanted to explain in a clear, short way why I love to work the way I work. It's something I'm passionate about and something I truly believe in.
Monday, August 4, 2014
As always, Seth's words of wisdom: A bigger logo?
The work that needs to be done is to create a product and a story that makes your customers want you to make the logo more prominent.
A great reminder of where our focus should be. What we should build to succeed in the long term...
Monday, August 4, 2014
Amazing ad, so powerful, so true, don't you think? Apple - iPhone 5s - Dreams
Apple - iPhone 5s - Dreams - Y...
It's amazing what the iPhone with apps is capable of. The same goes to the iPad. We've been preaching this in our #iPadOnly book for a year now. This is why I'm typing this away on my iPad...
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Have you seen this video? It's so cool: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Word Crimes
So great! Weird Al really nails this one. Go watch it. Tell me what you think.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
My video about fixing things - do you like doing it, too? ✔ Productivity gadget review: Sugru - go fix something - Productive! Show #75
✔ Productivity gadget review...
I love Sugru. Augusto Pinaud convinced me to get it and I love fixing it and doing cool stuff with it. And the cool things about Sugru and lego... don't get me started. It's amazing. :-)
Saturday, August 2, 2014
I've been interviewed by @bitspiration on how I'm Getting Things Done with Nozbe
If you can't get enough of me, here's some more info about my story, the future of Nozbe and more. Check it out! If you had a question to me, what would you ask me?
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Interesting approach - what do you think? "Social Media, You Got Dumped"
After reading this I thought again about how I use social media... so I posted this link on my social media to see what you have to say about it... Should we scale down our social media or not? What should we do? How should we go about it?
Friday, August 1, 2014
To #gtd or not? We're changing stuff in @Nozbe: Priority tasks instead of Next Actions... and more changes in Nozbe 2.0 beta - why? how?... and why now?
Priority tasks instead of Next...
With Nozbe 2.0 beta we've made some changes as far as the "naming" of things is concerned. "Next Actions" became "Priority tasks", "Contexts" became "Categories"... and in this blog post I'm explaining why this happens.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Can't believe they've fallen so deep. Where's my Sony? Japanese electronics firms
Japanese electronics firms: Ec...
Back in the early 2000s I was a big Sony fan. I've been dreaming about a new VAIO... I used to visit Sony Style shop in Berlin like I visit now an Apple Store in Ginza.... and now VAIO is not even a Sony brand anymore... and Sony is going down... and I've become an Apple fanboy... Sony, you had so much great stuff going for you... where did you go?
Friday, August 1, 2014
I wrote this for @selfication - did you like it? How to Be Productive: The 5 Essential Habits
How to Be Productive: The 5 Es...
Wrote this together with my our Productive! Magazine executive editor - Magda - just 5 things to keep in mind. What did you think about it? Any other ideas?
Friday, August 1, 2014
Oldie but goodie - have you seen this? "Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy
I'm not a big fan of Louis CK but this one is great. Totally right. Everything is so amazing now and really people are still miserable... I'm posting this to just feel better today and more thankful for all the technology that we've got.
Friday, August 1, 2014
Totally, a great link to bookmark and check before booking: Hotel WiFi Speed Test
Still can't believe how many hotels have crappy internet still... where the Internet should be like electricity - should come in standard... but it doesn't. Will check this page back before booking my next trip.