Friday, August 1, 2014

Great idea - I have someone like this as one of my mentors: The VP of Devil’s Advocacy

The VP of Devil’s Advoca... screenshot

One of my friends and mentors, who's not involved with our Nozbe business but is a Nozbe user is very often someone like this to me. He challenges me and looks at our product from a different standpoint. Good to have someone like this and talk to them every now and then.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Great analysis, so much info... and so true: A Candid Look at Unread's First Year

Jared Sinclair | Blog | A ... screenshot

This is why Nozbe is a subscription service. This model works. For the customers, who get infinite updates and get value from the service every day (and a Nozbe 2.0 very soon as a free upgrade) and for us to keep the lights on and business sustainable, while charging people a cost of just two good cups of coffee per month. I'm so thankful to have amazing customers :-)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

So true. So right. Do you agree? The best argument yet for net neutrality comes from Major League Baseball

The best argument yet for net ... screenshot

"Fast lanes would serve only one purpose: for Broadband ISPs to receive an economic windfall. American consumers would be worse off as the costs of fast lanes are passed along to them in new fees or charges where there were none, or higher fees or charges where they existed."

Can't say it better. So true. Can't see the world with Internet fast lanes. Good I'm not in the streaming business, but still, such a world scares me. What do you think?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Finally an "iWatch" idea that makes sense. What do you think? Withings Activit

Withings Activité

Works with the iPhone without replacing it with some awkward screen... you charge it once a year, not once a day... I think they're on a great path here. An iWatch should be something that enhances your smartphone experience and not replaces it or duplicates it. Cool concept. Let's see what Apple comes up with.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I totally fall into this trap, do you? Check it out: "How was your bike ride?"

Seth's Blog: "How was your bik...

I love biking and running but very often I'm discouraged if I didn't beat my best record or didn't break past what I wanted to achieve... without really noticing I should be just enjoying this. I should be grateful.

Today I ran with my wife in the local forest. At a significantly lower pace than I would had I ran alone... but it was so great! I ran with my wife! Together! In a beautiful forest! I enjoyed it so much!

We treat these activity trackers as benchmark of our performance and it's a good thing... but as with everything, they shouldn't be the only benchmark there is.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Have you tried it? I think I might give it a shot: Tweetstorming – AVC

Tweetstorming – AVC

Interesting to use Twitter to blog. I'm going to try it and see how it goes. I'll see if this is something my followers will like. I think Fred's reasons to try it are pretty compelling.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Have you tried his #productivity techniques? Tim Ferriss Uses This Simple Productivity Hack To Organize His Days

Tim Ferriss Shares His Product...

I like what he's doing. It's similar to Leo Babauta's 3-rocks concept. You should have a few tasks you need to finish on this day to make sure you have a productive one.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Talking about fitness: ✔ Why running almost barefoot with Vibram FiveFingers is good for my health and fitness.

✔ Why running almost barefoo...

Three of my closest friends already bought their FiveFingers and are trying them out. Both me and my wife are using them all of the time. Despite great controversy, I think they're worth it! My blog post explains why.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Do you also track your fitness with your iPhone? Apple's New iPhone TV Ad 'Strength' Focuses on Fitness Accessories and Apps

Apple's New iPhone TV Ad 'Stre...

Totally great ad. I'm using Runkeeper for both running and cycling. I need to check out a new app for TRX training, get something for my swimming tracking needs and maybe use a dedicated cycling app. Any recommendations?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Yesterday we've upped our game: Nozbe 2.0 BETA 2 ready for testing on Windows, Mac and Linux

Nozbe 2.0 BETA 2 ready for tes...

This new beta brings lots of great improvements and overall enhancements the new team view. Check it out!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A great #iPadOnly story by @BenjaminBrooks: A Desk of iPad

Ben Brooks writes: "I recently wrote about how I often dream of wiping everything off my desk and just placing the iPad in the middle of it. It would sit there alone, surrounded by my expansive desk as a symbol of both simplicity, and how far (technologically) we have come since the early days of computing."

Having been in this place for the last two years, can't say I don't agree :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Don't do it. 'Cos you'll get addicted (video): ✔ Why doing sports regularly is so great and so important... and how it makes me feel! - Productive! Show #74

✔ Why doing sports regularly... screenshot

I recorded this video for my future self. I'm in the best shape of my life now and if I ever give up doing sports I need to watch this video. This will hopefully motivate me to get back to doing sports. It's so amazing how you feel after a good morning run :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I've been a fan of Brett's work for a long time. Great guy, great productivity geek. Glad we could support him: Sponsor: Nozbe

Sponsor: Nozbe - BrettTerpstra... screenshot

Brett wrote about Nozbe back in the day on TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog). He's been using Nozbe ever since. Glad to be able to support his work. And launch Nozbe beta in the process :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Amazing to see the smartphone adoption curve. Has anyone expected this? Late late majority

Late late majority | Asymco screenshot

I remember the iPhone launch. I was a Nokia Communicator user then. I was one of the few using a real smartphone. A smartphone was supposed only to be a "power-user" product. Well, not anymore. Great analysis here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Want to learn more about me, @nozbe and productivity? Interview with yours truly by @thedailysaint: New Podcast with Nozbe Founder Michael Sliwinski ― mike st. pierre

New Podcast with Nozbe Founder... screenshot

Mike St Pierre is a great guy and together with his co-host they interviewed me for their fantastic podcast. Make sure to check it out and also subscribe to their stuff. Thanks!