Thursday, March 6, 2014

My recent #video, what do you think? ✔ Why you should get a whiteboard? - Productive!Show #65

✔ Why you should get a white... screenshot

I'm back with recording Productive! Show and last week I talked about my whiteboard. I really love it, and my daughter loves it as well. It's fantastic for brainstorming.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I use it every day and totally agree, do you? WhatsApp is Different

WhatsApp is Different | Om Mal... screenshot

What's really crazy is that really mobile is the rocket fuel for growth. That's why making Nozbe 2.0 mobile-first is the must-be obvious choice. We're working hard on it and it's going to be amazing. We're disrupting our app, but in a good way :-)

Anyway, in Spain they already forgot that SMS exists. They just Whatsapp each other. It's amazing how quickly it became a phenomenon. My father-in law got a smartphone just to have Whatsapp. :-)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cool tip by @nozbe's product manager: how to email a comment to a task (with video)

Advanced Nozbe tip: how to ema... screenshot

Many Nozbe customers have been asking for it... but we finally implemented it when our own Customer Support department begged for it. So here goes, add a #task: parameter and you'll be able to append a comment to a task you want directly from email.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Great article by @gassee: The Apple Tesla Connection: Fun and Reason With Numbers

The Apple Tesla Connection: Fu... screenshot

I think JLG is right and they'll work on the batteries together, but I'd love it if they worked closer and built an iCar, I wrote all about it on my blog yesterday

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Very cool integration of iPhone in the car: Volvo and Apple CarPlay

Volvo and Apple CarPlay - YouT... screenshot

The other producers (Ferrari and Mercedes) did it strangely, but Volvo nailed it. Very cool integration. I'd love to have it in my car but I'm not planning on getting a Volvo anytime soon.

Anyway, cool thing in the light of my last article: Apple should buy Tesla and build an iCar

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Do you agree? My post: ✔ Apple's next big thing? iCar. Why Apple buying Tesla actually makes sense.

✔ Apple's next big thing? iC... screenshot

I know this is more fiction than science, but when I thought about it I realized this might make sense for Apple and for us - customers. Read my whole argument and let me know what you think :-)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Great post by our talented guy: @radexp: A little book

A little book • screenshot

So grateful and privileged of being able to work with Radziu together. I totally agree that this little book changed his life forever. It's an amazing coincidence and fate at the same time. Here's to more years working together and changing the world!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bold move by @37signals. Totally understood. Two big announcements.

Two big announcements. screenshot

So here's the second big announcement: We're changing our name. 37signals is now Basecamp. "37signals" goes into the history books. From now on, we are Basecamp. Basecamp the company, Basecamp the product. We're one and the same.

I didn't change my company name to Nozbe just yet, but will soon. My old company's web site has been shut down already - the name change will follow soon.

Monday, February 10, 2014

My latest gadget video: ✔ My slim iPad Air gadget bag - Productive!Show #64

✔ My slim iPad Air gadget ba... screenshot

Need to start making gadget reviews on my blog. Have had so many of them in the past and know so much about them. Will try to review at least one gadget per month. Meanwhile make sure to check out my latest bag for my #iPadOnly work :-)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Very good and concise definition: Minimalism: An Elevator Pitch

Minimalism: An Elevator Pitch ... screenshot

Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives. By clearing the clutter from life’s path, we can all make room for the most important aspects of life: health, relationships, passion, growth, and contribution.

Good definition, buying it :-)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fantastic, inspiring story: Ric Elias: 3 things I learned while my plane crashed

Ric Elias: 3 things I learned ... screenshot

This is is, when someone is facing death the clarity comes to them and what's important finally is revealed. I had a similar situation when I was a teenager and had a near-death experience myself. Things got really clear after that for me... Maybe I should finally write about it... Meanwhile take 5 and watch this short video.

Monday, February 10, 2014

If it's true, it's hilarious: Gates Spends Entire First Day Back in Office Trying to Install Windows 8.1

Gates Spends Entire First Day ... screenshot

I think it's great there is some change in Microsoft, they have new CEO and Gates is back in the game as well. I can't believe the story in the article but if it's true, it says a lot about the troubles in the Windows land... Wish all the best to Microsoft ;-)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Totally agree with @37signals: The person you could be hiring

The person you could be hiring... screenshot

This is why I work from home and my entire company also works from home. This way I can hire anyone, from anywhere to any of our functions within our team. Teleworking and being a remote company feels fantastic!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One of my recent videos - hope it inspires you: ✔ My Home office 2013 - Productive!Show #61

✔ My Home office 2013 - Prod... screenshot

I've moved to a new house and completely redesigned my home office in 2013. I'm actually making more adjustments right now but hope the way I work inspires you to take care of your workspace.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Today I'm buying some $AAPL shares: @ParisLemon ― The iPhone Company

ParisLemon — The iPhone Comp... screenshot

Yes, Apple is the iPhone company and I'm writing this on my iPad, having my iPhone next to me... and enjoying the experience and I know they'll be massively successful in the future and are now massively undevalued. So just today I bought some more of the Apple shares and I'm happy about it ;-)