Saturday, August 10, 2013
★ Great reminder from Seth: " Oh, that's just a hack someone put together..."
Seth's Blog: "Oh, that's just ...
So true. My Nozbe app started as a hack... as a simple way to manage tasks where I couldn't find anything that would help me do it well back in 2005... and now I'm running it 6 years and just getting started...
I should read it to myself every day:
Before you tell yourself you have no right to invent this or improve that, remind yourself that the person before you had no right either, but did it anyway.
Friday, August 9, 2013
★ great read, lot's of history: Dear Jeff Bezos, Here’s Wh at I Saw as an Analog Nobody in the Mailroom of the Washington Post
Open Letter to Jeff Bezos From...
Great story of how the big incumbents dismissed the Internet and how they still think a "blog" is a lesser thing than a "real newspaper". Anyway, Kara, thank you for this letter.
Friday, August 9, 2013
★ I actually don't want it to fail: Ubuntu smartphone looks unlikely to reach crowdfunding goal
On the Edge of failure: Ubuntu...
I have an awful lot of respect for Mark Shutterworth for making Ubuntu a mainstream Linux distribution and for all the work he's done for the community. While I tried several times to use Ubuntu Linux (and other distributions), I finally settled on the biggest one: Mac OSX. However, with Windows Phone struggling, BlackBerry searching for its market... and Android with iOS dividing the mobile pie... an Ubuntu phone might be something new... although might also just reach a minimal marketshare just like its desktop cousin... let's see...
Friday, August 9, 2013
★ so funny: Amazon Founder Sa ys He Clicked on Washington Post by Mistake
Amazon Founder Says He Clicked...
I love this, "he clicked on Washington Post by mistake"... Anyway, I still have no clue what he's going to do with this purchase... Why would you buy an old-school paper in the digital era? Well, he's the founder of Amazon. He's responsible for disrupting old-school businesses. He of all people should know.
Friday, August 9, 2013
★ deeply disturbing on so man y levels: Lavabit, email service Snowden reportedly used, abruptly shuts down
Lavabit, email service Snowden...
As a part of the #iPadOnly way we learned to trust the cloud and the services in the cloud, like Dropbox, Evernote, Gmail... and Nozbe - and while we are not an American company the others are... and if the NSA is pushing so much to spy on people, our trust in the cloud may vanish... Or we'll just move the clouds outside of the USA... The good thing is that the market hates situations like this and alternative services from non-American companies will show up... Or the american companies refuse to corporate... Let's hope for the best!
Friday, August 9, 2013
★ Yes, Jeff is a genius: While We’re Trying To Follow His Game Of Checkers, Jeff Bezos Is Playing Chess
Great article by MG Siegler about Jeff Bezos, who just purchased Washington Post. Amazing how he can operate Amazon on minimal profit and convince shareholders to be on board with him on this... and how he's building a long-term leader. So happy that Nozbe is not competing with Amazon... just using their platform :-)
PS: Here's the letter Jeff Bezos wrote to Washington Post team
Thursday, August 8, 2013
★ Why you should create a V2M OM for your company: Behind the cloud is a great read !
I will review this book on my blog very soon. It's a fantastic read and the V2MOM idea is great to really focus your company to the right direction. I have to credit my friend Mariusz for letting me know about this book and the V2MOM idea for Nozbe.
Anyway, before I review this book myself, read the one I linked to here - you'll be hooked!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
★ Great find by @MichaelHyatt - Steve Jobs: If You Don't Have Passion, You May as Well Give Up
If You Don't Have Passion, You...
I'm going to play this video every day from now on. This is a real gem and an amazing quote by our late Steve Jobs:
1) You've got to love what you do to keep on keepin' on
2) You've got to be a talent scout to find people to help you do what you love doing... to be successful.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Very thought-provoking article by @cdixon: The idea maze
I totally agree with Chris, especially here:
the reality is that ideas do matter, just not in the narrow sense in which startup ideas are popularly defined. Good startup ideas are well developed, multi-year plans that contemplate many possible paths according to how the world changes...
I can see it now that I'm running Nozbe 6 years straight and how the productivity space is changing. We started as a web-app and now we've got a whole platform with apps for almost every device... and we've got some new ideas under our sleeve... it's changing all of the time... and this makes the whole thing this much exciting!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Here's to hoping for a Retina Mini: Google's New Nexus 7: The Budget Tablet to Beat (#iPadOnly)
Google's New Nexus 7 Takes on ...
As John Gruber wrote on Daring Fireball: "We demand magic ― a retina iPad Mini with no decrease in battery life, but no increase in thickness, weight, or price. And they need to produce at least 20 million of them by Christmas. Something has to give."
Yes Apple, give me magic please :-)
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Only growth is not enough: The unprofitable SaaS business model trap
The unprofitable SaaS business...
While I'm investing a lot in Nozbe growth right now and I understand this is a very important metric, it's still hard for me to comprehend how these companies spend two bucks to earn one for such a long period of time... And how they think it's a good thing. Well, just look at amazon, they're only about growth and their market value is growing too, with hardly any profits...
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Interesting, minimalist food for thought: The Things We Are Prepared to Walk Away From
The Things We Are Prepared to ...
Curiously enough my switching to the iPad and going #iPadOnly made me realize that I don't depend on my computer as much as I used to - meaning I have it backed up, files in the cloud, etc... So should my iPad or iPhone get stolen or lost today, it would be a problem, not a tragedy.
Another thing - what I do for living means more to me than my possessions, computers and gadgets... So I wouldn't want to walk away from my current career right now :-)
Anyway, this article made me very contemplative today...
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Very detailed and inspirational post: How to Make a Vesper: Design
How to Make a Vesper: Design &...
Now that we're making an all new Nozbe app for iOS 7 these posts come in handy. It's all about design choices and making sure what you're building really is the essence of your app... Here's hoping I'll be able to post something similar once our new app is out... Can't wait.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Great anecdote confirming his non-nonsense simplicity: "Steve was Steve."
ParisLemon — "Steve was Stev...
Again, brings me back to the book I reviewed on my blog: "insanely simple" - make sure to check it out. Steve didn't have time for chitchat, blah blah and other stuff like that. He was straight and to the point... And it didn't help his relationships but it did help him to get to where he wanted to go.... Very often I'm thinking if we're not too much tied by our social "feel good" rituals... And should sometimes just cut to the chase?
Monday, July 29, 2013
An oldie but a goodie: A How-To Guide: Accelerated Learning for Accelerated Times 357 Comments
A How-To Guide: Accelerated Le...
I think Tim is on to something here. I still can't get to learn my Japanese but I still believe you can learn a lot in only a fraction of a time and still enjoy it. That's why do watch Tim's presentation and get inspired to learn something new soon :-) and fast!