Monday, July 29, 2013
The next generation will be #iPadOnly: All 640,000 kids in Los Angeles school district to get iPads
All 640,000 kids in Los Angele...
Amazing news for Apple and for our #iPadOnly movement... And I'm sure it's a beginning of a trend and not a one time thing. I know this, my daughter is already #iPadOnly and I'm sure by the time she reaches school she'll be even increasingly so... But I'm biased as I'm the #iPadOnly book co-author, right?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Actually, very valid points on Android: My Very Own Protocol Droid
My Very Own Protocol Droid by ...
This is the first blog post I read that legitimately talks about actual benefits of Android for a person. I still prefer the iPhone but I can understand where this guy is coming from.
Although the Photo-stream analogy is a good one. I hate it that the videos are not photo-streamed and that I need to clean up my camera roll manually. C'mon Apple - the photo-thingy you've got going on is still not perfect. Please improve it.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
I couldn't help myself and supported this Kickstarter: FAKERGRIMLOCK: THE BOOK OF AWESOME
The guy who invented the FAKERGRIMLOCK persona is a genius. The whole thing is just cool, the CAPS, the style, the art, the startup-advice... so I backed the project. Can't wait to read the book of AWESOME.... I'm sure it will be awesome :-)
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Cool analysis by JLG: More iWatch Fun
I actually never believed Apple even worked on such a device but the rumors coming from all around the Internet suggest otherwise... and when the incumbents are saying they don't feel threatened by Apple over there I must say it means they're "full of it in their pants". Maybe it is time to disrupt the "time-telling" industry.
On the other hand, do people really still buy watches? When they want to check what time it is, they have a phone for that purpose, right?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Great advice by @MichaelHyatt: How to Do More of What You Love and Less of What You Don’t
How to Do More of What You Lov...
This post came just-in-time for me - how to study your work, processes and decide where you provide the best of your work and where others can help you out. His examples are really great to illustrate what delegation is all about.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Totally cool idea by @scoopertino: VATICAN SHOCKER: Cardinals tap Siri as next pope
VATICAN SHOCKER: Cardinals tap...
I'm a catholic and of course I'm not offended by it. I like this kind of pranks and this one is a very cool idea, especially the fact that "the pope will never be wrong" and such.
Anyway, on a serious note, let's see who turns out to be the next pope. Very brave move by Benedict for giving up a post nobody expected him to give up.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
My latest post on: Delegation - achieving your goals together with others
Delegation - achieving your go...
In case you missed my latest post. This is a significant part of my growth path this year - to work with others and make sure they grow with me, too. To finally stop being such a control-freak and let others to their amazing job. It's already happening in my company, but I want even more of it.
In the post you'll find great suggestions by Michael Hyatt. Check out his take on "delegation".
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
If you speak Spanish and use @Nozbe: Watch 2MP 026: Clasificar en Nozbe | 2 Minutos de Productividad
Watch 2MP 026: Clasificar en N...
Great screencast showing how Nozbe works. Reminds me of the fact we should build more screencasts for our users! We'll get to that soon!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Great post: Starting 2013 with @Nozbe | Personal Development
Great post by a fantastic user of ours. I'm sure he'll love even more the Nozbe 1.5 we're working on with even more great features and an easier to use Comments section and much more. It's always heart-lifting to read rave reviews of the product you've been working so much on.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Relevant to my latest blog post: 044: How to Overcome the Resistance [Podcast]
044: How to Overcome the Resis...
Just wrote two blog posts on Resistance so Michael's podcast is very much on time :-) listen as you need to be aware of the force the Resistance is - and how to fight it! Oh, and read "The War of Art" - it's so worth it!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Very cool interview: Jason Fried’s next project, “Remote,” is a book-length refutation of Yahoo’s ban on telecommuting
Jason Fried’s next project, ...
I love being able to work for home and I try to hire people who love (or want to try loving it). It's a lifestyle decision and it's a one I wouldn't change for anything. I'm actually thinking about writing a similar book on the subject :-)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Wow @apinaud is on the roll - get it now: NEW BOOK: 4:00 A.M. A Productivity Argument
Augusto is a good productivity friend, GTD expert and he's been featured in the last Productive! Magazine :-) and his book is still free one more day so get it now! Will he convert you to be an early riser?
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Just trust your team, man! Couldn't agree more: B- environment merits B- effort
B- environment merits B- effor...
My entire team works remotely. We all work from home. All of us. I cannot NOT trust them to do an amazing job. Control is good, but trust is better :-)
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Can't agree more: Dear Apple, you need to treat multi-country iTunes users like first-class citizens
Dear Apple, you need to treat ...
Having an American, Polish and Spanish iTunes account - I know the pain. Constant switching and re-authenticating between accounts is simply annoying. And the x-day limits are plain stupid! Apple "just works" but not when it comes to this!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Totally agree with this review: An iPhone Lover’s T ake On The Nexus 4
Owning an iPhone, iPad, nexus S phone and nexus 7 tablet I must say Android is getting very usable now. I agree with MG, although it is so, I just still prefer the iOS platform and that's it. I just like it better :-)