Thursday, March 7, 2013
After Microsoft, it's time for Google to try retail: Those Rumored Google Stores Are Starting To Make A Lot Of Sense
Those Rumored Google Stores Ar...
I guess they make sense. Even though I was really impressed how ordering Google products online works. The other day I ordered a Nexus 7 tablet and it came to my house in less than 24 hours!
However, many people won't even know about this tablet if they don't see it live in a physical store...
P.S. I own both the Nexus 7 and iPad Mini... but prefer the mini as I'm more of an iOS type of guy... but Nexus 7 is a surprisingly cool tablet and many folks in my company already own one as well.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Speaking of The Magazine: now with full-article sharing, web subscriptions
The Magazine: now with full-ar...
Again, The Magazine is showing where the magazines should go and how they should work... and I will copy this model at some point for the Productive! Magazine (although I'll keep the price at free anyway).
PS. I really like the way Marco's handling authentication. No passwords, just a valid email address. Sweet.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Great point by Seth: Should you work for free?
Seth's Blog: Should you work f...
Young people don't really care about their career planning and very often they focus on getting a job with the biggest salary possible first... when me and my wife were a young married couple without kids, we'd only take jobs (or gigs) that were interesting and had a great learning curve... we didn't need a lot of money, we needed to build our resumes. After 8 years of marriage I'd say it paid off big time for both of us.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Technology makes miracles happen: Astonishingly real Audrey Hepburn shills chocolate in new commercial
Astonishingly real Audrey Hepb...
Wow, Audrey looks so real in this video... it's so amazing what can be done with today's technology and how you can resurrect a star Audrey was. Need to watch "Breakfast at Tiffany's" one more time, I guess.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Interesting Case Study: What Does a Real 4-Hour Workweek Look Like…With a Family? 132 Comments
Case Study: What Does a Real 4...
Interesting case study of lifestyle design - living a 4-hour workweek with a family. I work a lot more than that. A lot more... and I enjoy my work... but I can really confirm that if you have kids, you learn to make time for both work and play. You just somehow manage to do it. Kids don't take time from you - they just make you focus more with the time you've got :-)
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wow, things really do change: 2010 Microsoft Wrote Some Checks That 2013 Microsoft Can’t Cash
2010 Microsoft Wrote Some Chec...
I still can't believe things changed so fast in the last 3 years. Microsoft from being so far ahead... to being so far behind and without real prospects of future growth...
I'm a tech geek and I've always loved how the tech world works and I've been a fan of both Microsoft and Apple for years. And the first decade of 2000s things were pretty stable... and when the iPhone and iPad (and Android) launched... things changed so quickly! Wow.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Total sincerity: Andrew Mason is out as CEO of Groupon, here’s his sendoff letter
Andrew Mason is out as CEO of ...
Andrew's letter is just great... and writing it publicly (knowing it'll be leaked anyway) has also been great... and the contradiction between "spending time with family..." and then "just kidding, I was fired" fits the bill... Totally nailed it. The way to go (although I feel for him as I'm sure he's been working hard on making Groupon succeed...) but I never liked his methods though. Anyway, read the letter, it's short and really to the point.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Wow, @gruber is spot on: Open and Shut
Daring Fireball: Open and Shut
This whole argument about "open vs closed" is stupid. It's all about leadership. Open source projects can be great... if they are lead by a strong leadership... and the same goes for the "closed" projects. And very often the "closed" ones win because they have the leadership in place.
Anyway, read Gruber's post. It's a great read.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Totally disappointed with @marissamayer's decision on working from home: It's easy to blame minorities
It's easy to blame minorities ...
Yep, David is spot on. First, it's really easy to blame anyone, not just minorities, for your problems. Own the problem and don't blame anyone. I'm actually going to write a blog post on that on my main blog.
Second thing - I work from home. My entire company works remotely. And we are not going to "grow up and get a proper office". That's why I really don't understand Yahoo's decision (ahem, Marissa's decision) to ditch telecommuting. Then again, whatever brings back Yahoo to the big leagues... but I don't think this does.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I think @Marcoarment misses the point: “Did we just rip off Marco Arment and The Magazine?” –
I love Marco's work and I love the idea of "The Magazine" and I even asked Marco to feature him in one of the next issues of the Productive! Magazine (still waiting for his answer). However Marco is missing the point with his criticism of the "Type Engine".
One one hand he's right - they ripped off too much and should have really added something more from themselves. Totally agree there. On the other hand though, we need these kind of software packages (and I'm actually thinking of building mine for the Productive! Magazine) that let you easily publish a magazine. We need to democratize magazines and it's not only about the content. Content is king... but the delivery mechanism is Queen... and current "magazine apps" let you build magazine issues in Adobe InDesign... and later each issue weights 50MB
Marco, it's both - The Magazine is great because of the content AND the software. Those two things are needed to "reinvent" the magazines. My 2 cents.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Very cool observation: What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in ten years
What the smartest people do ...
This is so true. Great things happen in "hobby time". Coming back to the origins of Nozbe... I built the first, "bare bones" version of it over one weekend back in 2005. It was ugly but it did the trick :-)
I recently published more details about my "Nozbe story" on my main blog as an interview with me.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Will have to experiment on that: Six hours sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and...
Six hours sleep for a man, sev...
I'm actually kind of doing the "6 hour sleep" thing but some days I feel too tired... maybe a 30-minute nap in the middle of the day would solve the problem? I'll give it a try the following weeks and let you know on my main blog.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Interesting idea... but still fiction: Google’s Red Guide to the Android App Store
Very interesting idea. The "curation" of the app stores must happen and will happen... and in case of the "App Store" it's already there... the problem is - someone will be left out when an editor is judging the apps... I'd say a smart algorithm would do the trick and I think both Google and Apple are working on that.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
My latest geeky post: Secure Time Machine Backup with Size Limit on Mac OSX Mountain Lion
Secure Time Machine Backup wit...
Because my previous setup on Lion was so much in demand, I decided to do an update on Mountain Lion. Good luck backing up!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Speculations: The Next Apple TV: iWatch
The Next Apple TV: iWatch | Mo...
I totally forgot about these watches at the end of this article. I remember they were the coolest things to have among my friends....