Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Great #reminder by @MichaelHyatt: Courage Is Not the Absence of Fear
Courage Is Not the Absence of ...
So true. We will always be afraid. The fear, resistance and pain are here with us and form a vital part of our lives... it's the way we deal with them that makes us stronger and tougher... and eventually more successful.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
A little #reminder from @Zen_habits: How to Savor Life
I had to look the word "savor" up in the dictionary only to finally understand that in Spanish it's similar to "sabor" (meaning: taste). Anyway, in the world we live in, it's so important to slow down and really "be present" and really "taste life" and not see it pass by at a speed of light in front of our eyes. Read it. Great post by Leo.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Very interesting #casestudy: Verizon finds US developer outsourced his job to China so he could surf Reddit and watch cat videos
US Developer Outsourced His Wo...
Now that's a case study for outsourcing! A guy earning high figure income in the US with a help from his minions in China :-)
While I don't get why he'd waste his time with reddit and lol-cats, you can't argue that almost any job now can be done remotely these days :-)
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
They throw you from Microsoft and you are suddenly: Learning from Competition
Learning from Competition &laq...
Former head of Microsoft Windows (the "father" of Windows 8) tweeting from the iPhone... and now explaining why it's good to learn from the competition and how important it is to understand them.
I totally agree. I am an Apple guy but I own several Nexuses (the "S" phone and the "7" tablet) and I use them daily alongside my iPad and iPhone.
What is funny is that Steve Ballmer doesn't allow any Apple device in his home and Bill Gates is the same... so does it mean you start to learn from the competition when they throw you away from Microsoft? :-)
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Very #interesting read: How Apple sets its prices
How Apple sets its prices | Ma...
This is why it's so hard to buy an iPad or a Macbook with a significantly lower discount. I remember buying one of my earlier Macbook Airs with a 10% discount which to me was really big! And they even threw iWork package there as well (back when there was no Mac App Store).
Anyway, another piece showing how Apple is really controlling everything in their sales and distribution channel.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Why curiosity is so important: My Email Exchange With Aaron Swartz Shows An Original Thinker
My Email Exchange With Aaron S...
Very cool interview with Aaron, especially I like the bit on curiosity:
When I was a kid, I thought a lot about what made me different from the other kids. I don't think I was smarter than them and I certainly wasn't more talented. And I definitely can't claim I was a harder worker -- I've never worked particularly hard, I've always just tried doing things I find fun. Instead, what I concluded was that I was more curious -- but not because I had been born that way. If you watch little kids, they are intensely curious, always exploring and trying to figure out how things work.
And now the kicker, and why it's my obligation as a parent to foster curiosity in my kids:
The problem is that school drives all that curiosity out. Instead of letting you explore things for yourself, it tells you that you have to read these particular books and answer these particular questions. And if you try to do something else instead, you'll get in trouble. Very few people's curiosity can survive that. But, due to some accident, mine did. I kept being curious and just followed my curiosity.
If you're a parent, take a note :-)
Via Gruber.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Well, @MichaelHyatt is on a roll recently: A Secret Project I’ve Been Working on for Months
A Secret Project I’ve Been W...
I must say I'm very proud to have Michael as my mentor and friend... and seeing him execute so well the transition from a CEO of a big company to one of the leading speakers and authors of our time is just amazing... and the way to make the book (a bestselling book at that!) only a start of what he has to offer is just great. Amazing. If you don't follow Michael, you should. Totally. Now. Just start by watching this video. He's a real inspiration.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
This is #sotrue - we have a new tech-powerhouse: The Fifth Horseman: Samsung
The Fifth Horseman: Samsung |...
First thing - why is only Samsung profiting from Android? Second, what happens with my fridge from Samsung? I really love it and I don't want its service abandoned because the company only focused on mobile... OK, kidding aside... just like 6 years ago nobody bet on iPhone as a game-changer... nobody bet on Samsung as a rising-power either... Only 6 years ago we had Nokia and Rim... and now we have Samsung and Apple. Amazing how fast things change...
Monday, January 14, 2013
An #oldie but a #goodie by @JasonFried: Ignore details early on
Ignore details early on by Jas...
This article is especially a great reminder now that we're working on our goals for this year. Ignore details and focus on the big picture first... on the "minimum viable product" and go from there.
And in case you haven't read "Rework" or "Getting Real" from these guys, do it. Again.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Very #interesting idea: How About An Amazon AutoRip For Books?
How About An Amazon AutoRip F...
I must say the Autorip concept from Amazon is really smart. You buy a CD and you have MP3s waiting for you in the cloud. Now Amazon, who's primarily a bookstore (at least has its roots like this) should offer books the same way.
Imagine all the books you bought in the past there available to download on your Kindle (and Kindle app on your iOS device). Can't wait until it happens. Hope it does...
Oh wait... and let's say through the partnership with Audible, they are also available as audiobooks... OK, I know... one can dream :-)
Monday, January 14, 2013
Speaking of tabets: Lenovo’s 27″ tablet is a smart idea, costs £1,000 and is due this summer
Contrary to my last post about the mini, this must be something we'd call a 'maxi'. I can't imagine doing anything useful on a 27 inch tablet. But it reminds me of the Microsoft's first Surface computer, now available at home... Let's see if really anyone buys it and how much it costs when it's launched...
P.S. make sure to watch the promo video :-)
Monday, January 14, 2013
Great #review by @MichaelHyatt: My Take on the iPad Mini After 7 Weeks
My Take on the iPad Mini After...
I think that's exactly what Mini is designed for. People who still prefer to use their main computer as the main machine but love to have a great second device. We have a mini at our home and my wife uses it and loves it.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Very sad story and a big loss: RIP, Aaron Swartz
RIP, Aaron Swartz - Boing Boin...
It's hard for me to understand what exactly happened but we really lost an Internet genius there (co creator of RSS, CC license and other great stuff).
I've had a contact with suicide victims in the past and it's always a sad story... And it's never so bad that one should commit suicide... The problem is these people don't realize they have folks around them ready to help... They feel lonely, depressed... And they hurt themselves and so many others around them...
Anyway... Thanks for all you've done for us Aaron!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Gotta #watchthisvideo: CES Qualcomm keynote in a nutshell
Wow, for a non-consumer company they pulled a fantastic show. Bold Ballmer nailed it, too. Fun to watch. Especially that the real kings of mobile (Samsung and Apple) weren't there :-)
Sunday, January 13, 2013
This is #sotrue: You Probably Write a Novel's Worth of Email Every Year →
parislemon - You Probably Writ...
This is why I'm totally changing the way I'm using email. Shorter messages. Quicker reply. More focus on action less on content. I will also start replying to emails in a form of a blog post. This benefits everyone.
A little less conversation, a little more action please :-) (Elvis)