Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Have you seen this new 3-hour long ad? Did you like it? ‘Transformers’: The Anatomy of a Cross-Platform Money Maker
I must admit when I was young I really loved Transformers. I actually had a few of these at home and loved playing with them and watching Transformers cartoons... but I've only seen the first installment of this franchise on big screen... and it was fun. Have you seen the newest one? Is it any good?
And as you can see, it brings lots of money to Hasbro but most of all, it makes them sell even more of the robots to the children... wow.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Music and productivity? This and more in my: ✔ Weekly Read, Episode 1 (interesting things I read and wanted to share with you)
✔ Weekly Read, Episode 1 (in...
Together with my Productive! Magazine editor Magda we started preparing "Weekly Read" series for my blog. In this first episode we link to some very cool productivity-related blog posts. Check it out and share if you can :-)
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
And how do you address your team? Great advice by JLG: Microsoft’s New CEO Needs An Editor
Microsoft’s New CEO Needs An...
I'm not quoting this article to make fun of Microsoft's new CEO. I'm linking it up because I think it's very important to be able to address your team right. To write real stuff to your team and not corporate mambo-jambo. JLG analyzes the letter and gives great points there. Worth a read.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
And how do you find your balance? Great advice by @MichaelHyatt: What No One Ever Told You about Work-Life Balance
What No One Ever Told You Abou...
Great article. Balance is not standing still. Balance is not doing nothing. Balance is constantly adjusting, juggling, keeping things in check. That's why work-life balance is so dynamic. So challenging. So hard to get right.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
My fantastic @nozbe users also liked it: Free book from your Nozbe CEO: "It's all about Passion!"
Free book from your Nozbe CEO:...
When we sent my book to Nozbe users I thought they might not like the fact I'm sending them a book which is not only about Nozbe... Well, folks from my customer support team said they never received so many positive emails from our customers at once. This is what happens when your customers feel like investors in your company. Just like I wrote in the book.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Today I'm all about passionate people and inspiring stories (via @karolzielinski): Drew Houston Commencement Address MIT 2013
Drew Houston Commencement Addr...
Great story of Dropbox. Keywords: tennis ball, circle and 30,000 - three component's to Drew's success. Watch the video and it'll make sense to you. Amazing story, amazing company, very passionate guy :-)
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Speaking of passion, a truly inspiring story: Joe Gebbia: The Airbnb Story
Joe Gebbia: The Airbnb Story o...
Don't follow your passion? Well, these guys of AirBnB didn't listen to Marc Andreessen and followed their idea of renting air beds and now they're a multi billion dollar company changing the world and the way people think of their homes. Last year thanks to them I visited England and instead of a boring hotel, I stayed with my family in a beautiful Georgian house :-)
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Passion is more complicated, that's why I wrote my #passionbook, @rjwile: Marc Andreessen Gives The Career Advice That Nobody Wants To Hear
Andreessen: Whatever You Do, D...
I think that although in this article Marc said we shouldn't follow your passion, what he really meant is that blindly just dropping everything and doing what we think we're passionate about is not enough. First, we should actively seek and keep discovering our passions.
Second thing is what my mentor Michael Hyatt wrote for my book: “My premise is that you will find it at the intersection of three components: Passion, Proficiency and Profitability. All three of these components are important. Each of them is necessary, but none of them is sufficient in itself. If you have passion and competence without a market, you don’t have a calling. You have a hobby. If you have passion and a market without competence, you don’t have a calling. You have a failure. If you have competence and a market without passion, you don’t have a calling. You have boredom. It really does take all three of them”
Page 21 of my free book: “It's all about Passion!”
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Wow. That's a milestone. Congrats @evernote! We Have 100 Million People to Thank
We Have 100 Million People to ...
I'm an Evernote power user and as Nozbe we sync with Evernote and help folks attach their Evernote notes to their tasks and projects. I'm really impressed with their growth. Glad to be a part of it.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Interesting approach to transparency: Why Buffer is the new 37Signals, and what it means for the "startup culture"
Why Buffer is the new 37Signal...
I'm not sure I agree that 37singals era is over, but what buffer is doing is pretty amazing, great and simple product with lots of customers and a very transparent story of the company behind it. Something worth following definitely.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Always great to be surrounded by friends: ✔ People who contributed to my free book: "It's all about Passion" - some really inspiring quotes
✔ People who contributed to ...
More than 4000 people are reading my book now. I had a great birthday celebration and the best part was that so many of my online friends helped, sent their quotes, really supported me. Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Business 101: don't rely on one strategic partner only, Google or not: On the Future of MetaFilter
On the Future of MetaFilter ...
It's a sad story but as much as I don't trust Google, they're not to be blamed here. It's the sites owner, who could've made changes to the site as it peaked by introducing different monetization efforts. Relying on one company to give you both traffic and serve ads is apparently a tricky business practice...
Monday, May 26, 2014
I'm still skeptical about this idea: What If Every Weekend Was Three Days Long? At These Companies It Is
What If Every Weekend Was Thre...
Although I don't dismiss it just yet. We might try this at some point in my company and see how it goes, but I don't think we're ready just yet. What do you think!?
Monday, May 26, 2014
Wow, @gtdguy moved to Europe: 'Getting Things Done' Productivity Guru David Allen Selling Office
'Getting Things Done' Producti...
David contributed a quote to my book about passion and be mentioned to me he moved to Amsterdam this month. Wow, this is big news. I was lucky enough to be able to work with David's team a few days back in 2009 in his office in Ojai and really loved it there. And this, for a person who works from home :-)
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
In about an hour I'll be releasing my new book. On #passion. Here's what it's going to be all about: Build a passionate startup!... or 7 types of passion
Build a passionate startup!......
I wrote this post almost 2 years ago. Wrote 70% Of it back then. Finished it last week. Will show you In about an hour. Thank you!